Shabbat Services
Erev Shabbat services are held every Friday evening at 8:00 pm both in-person and virtually. Services are followed by an Oneg Shabbat (social hour). Sponsorship for any Oneg to celebrate a special event or remember a yartzeit is available.
Most services on the second Friday of the month are upbeat musical Mizmor Shabbat services with song leader/guitarists Rabbi Ben Shalva or Robyn Helzner.
Shabbat Morning Services are held the 2nd and 4th Saturday morning of each month at 10:00 am, both in-person and virtually, and include a Torah reading (on the triennial cycle) and a participatory discussion on the Torah portion. When we meet in person, services are followed by a kiddush lunch.
Shabbat services are held at the Edlavitch Washington DC Jewish Community Center (EDCJCC), located at 1529 16th St NW, Washington DC 20036. The entrance is on Q Street.
For more information about specific services, festival events, and other programs, please see the Calendar or refer back to our homepage.
Copies of Bet Mishpachah's Siddur, Shavat va-Yinafash, are available for a suggested donation of $40. Whether for your own personal reflection and prayer or for use during our virtual services, please contact to arrange for your own personal copy
Shabbat services for January 24 & 25, 2025
Parashat Vaera
Friday Service Leader: Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin - Installation Shabbat Saturday Service Leaders: Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin - International Holocaust day of Remembrance
Shabbat services for January 31, 2025
Parashat - Bo
Friday Service Leaders: Mindy Gasthalter and Larry Neff
High Holy Days
Bet Mishpachah holds High Holy Day Services. Location, ticketing, and service details are provided on our High Holy Days Page about two months before Rosh ha-Shana. Year round, we maintain an archive of D'rashot from previous years to uplift and inspire.
To view our custom Machzor, Chadeish Yameinu, click here
Archive of D'rashot (Sermons)
5784 (2023)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening 1 (Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning II (Marc Bernstein)
Kol Nidre (Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin)
5783 (2022)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening I 5783 (Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning I 5783 (Sarajane Garten)
Kol Nidre 5783 (Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin)
5782 (2021)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening I 5782 (Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning I 5782 (Eva Freund)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning II 5782 (Marc Bernstein)
Erev Shabbat Shuva 5782 (Keith Cohen)
Kol Nidre 5782 (Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin)
Yom Kippur 5782 (Sarajane Garten)
5781 (2020)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening I 5781 (Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning I 5781 (Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening II 5781 (Keith Cohen)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning II 5781 (Marc Bernstein)
Erev Shabbat Shuva 5781 (Eva Freund)
Kol Nidre 5781 (Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin)
Yom Kippur 5781 (Al Munzer)
5780 (2019)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening I 5780 (Elke Martin)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning I 5780 (Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening II 5780 (Eva Freund)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning II 5780 (Marc Bernstein)
Kol Nidre 5780 (Rabbi Jake Singer-Beilin)
Yom Kippur 5780 (Sarajane Garten)
5779 (2018)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening I 5779 (Rabbi Laurie Green)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning I 5779 (Al Munzer)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening II 5779 (Keith Cohen)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning II 5779 (Marc Bernstein)
Kol Nidre 5779 (Rabbi Laurie Green)
Yom Kippur 5779 (Sarajane Garten)
5778 (2017)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening I 5778 (Rabbi Laurie Green)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning I 5778 (Elke Martin)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening II 5778 (David Schwarz)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning II 5778 (Eva Freund)
Yom Kippur 5778 (Al Munzer)
Kol Nidre 5778 (Rabbi Laurie Green)
Shabbat Shuva 5778 (Eryca Kasse)
5777 (2016)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening I 5777 (Rabbi Laurie Green)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning I 5777 (Al Munzer)
Rosh ha-Shana Evening II 5777 (Vinny Prell)
Rosh ha-Shana Morning II 5777 (Marc Bernstein)
Kol Nidrei 5777 (Rabbi Laurie Green)
Yom Kippur 5777 (Eva Freund)