As a new member, you’ll become a part of the only LGBTQ+ synagogue in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, with virtual and in-person access to our Friday night, Saturday morning, and all other special services we observe throughout the year.
We wrote our Books! Our outstanding up to date prayer books are written by our Liturgy Committee and Rabbi.
You will receive priority tickets to the High Holy Days, which are included with your membership.
Our robust educational programs and full range of activities will grow your mind as well as your spirit.
You will receive reminder emails of your upcoming Yarzeits.
Your life cycle celebrations are listed in our monthly newsletters
Our Rabbi is available for pastoral counseling.
Unlimited volunteer opportunities await you.
You can participate in our vibrant social action activities.
Unlike traditional synagogues, you can develop your talent and passion in leading Shabbat services by participating in our Leadership pipeline. Our lay leaders and Rabbi are wonderful mentors.
You will be able to pray and make your spiritual connection to G-d in our community of like minded worshipers.
To download our form for new members, Click Here