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Join a Committee


Bet Mishpachah is a volunteer organization that depends on our members and friends to get things done.  In addition to our volunteer Board of Directors, our various committees need active members and occasional help to plan and program a wide variety of activities throughout the year.

Hospitality Committee 

Help our Director of Administration plan and order food, desserts and drinks for our weekly Oneg Shabbats following Friday night services, our Kiddush lunches after Saturday morning services on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, and receptions for festival and special events.  Email to volunteer or for additional information. 

Membership Committee 

Help our Membership Director plan how to grow our membership and ensure that we're fully supporting and keeping in touch with current and new members.  Help plan and support our annual New Member Shabbat and Volunteer Awards Shabbat programs.  Represent Bet Mishpachah at events in which we have an information table, such as the Pride Festival and the 17th Street Festival.  Email to volunteer or for additional information.   

Education Committee 

Help our Rabbi to plan a wide variety of adult education classes that are offered throughout the year.  Plan and organize our annual spring Shabbaton, with a congregational dinner and invited guest teacher.  Email to volunteer or for additional information.

Bikur Cholim (Visiting the Sick) Committee 

Our members truly appreciate calls from other members as well as the Rabbi when they're not well, whether it's a short term or chronic illness.  Volunteer to be part of this essential group that offers a concerned word and perhaps a lift to a doctor's appointment or the grocery store when it means the most.  Contact to volunteer or for additional information.

Bereavement Support Committee 

One of our most valued functions is helping each other out in times of loss.  Bet Mishpachah has a comprehensive Bereavement Support program that helps members plan funerals and provides shiva services and a meal of consolation.  Members always appreciate everyone from our Bet Mish family who shows up to offer our support and comfort at funerals and shiva.  Perhaps most important is, along with our rabbi, making phone calls to the bereaved after the initial rituals are over.  Contact to volunteer or for additional information.

Development Committee 

Help plan how our congregation can raise the funds we need through dues and additional donations, and help apply for grants to support our programs.  The fun includes planning fundraising events like the gala dinner-dance held in November 2017 to celebrate publication of our new siddur and other fundraising events, as well as encouraging members to leave a legacy to help keep our community going strong into the future.  Contact to volunteer or for additional information.

Social Events Committee

This committee organizes cultural and social events for members; from theater to museums, to dining and entertainment, this committee provides cultural and social event opportunities to members and their guests.  Contact  to sponsor an event, volunteer or for additional information.

High Holy Day Logistics Committee

This committee provides volunteers to help with staffing the welcome table, ushering, planning and setting up onegs and break-the-fast, setting up the sanctuary, coordinating parking, and doing whatever is needed to make the High Holy Days a welcoming and meaningful experience.  Contact to volunteer or for additional information.

Tue, January 21 2025 21 Tevet 5785