Celebrate Purim with our community!
Friday, March 14, 2025 • 14 Adar 5785
8:00 PM - 10:00 PMEdlavitch JCCWe will be once again be celebrating the holiday of Purim in-person (as well as virtually) at the EDCJCC. We will join together for a Bet Mishpachah festive Purim Celebration. Megilla reading, songs, and a spiel - we've got it all for you. Rabbi Jake will lead us through the Purim story with many laughs and irreverence. Refreshments and drinks will be available for some extra Holy Day enjoyment. Costumes encouraged!
The Queen Esther Fund is an annual Purim collection going to a worthy Jewish or LGBTQ organization. In the past, we have given our donations to organizations such as SAGE, OutServe, HIAS and Spectrum. This year, we will be collecting for SMYAL and the Jerusalem Open House, as part of the first year of our multi-year giving. Friday, March 15th we will have a speaker from SMYAL and Friday, April 5th we will have a guest speaker from Jerusalem Open House telling us about the great work both these organizations do.
Donations can be made through our website: www.betmish.org/donate as well as in person at Purim services.
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